Certified Passive House Institute Builder

Building a Passive House is the wave of the future. We can manage the project from start to finish.
Passive house is a building concept which reduces the building's environmental impact.
Featuring ultra-low energy use practices in building design and construction, and with energy conservation being built into the process. This energy conscious focus spans the project from the design to the finishes is the hallmark of this concept.​​
Hiring QRS for passive house construction allows you to build an environmentally friendly and super efficient building with the peace of mind that your builder well understands the concepts involved. In fact we believe in this concept so deeply we are building one for ourselves.
We are certified by both Passive House Germany and Passive House Institute US (PHIUS).
We are certified to build both commercial and residential Passive House buildings.
Learn more about Passive House Institute US and The Passive House Institute in Germany